
3rd installment

A week after the second conversation, Davis approached Kevin on a Sunday afternoon telling Daddy his dilemma that he couldn't seem to shake: he was the worst person in the world. Kevin looked over at me, and then said to him, "Mommy has a book she wants to read to you about that when you get home."

When we got home, I got the boys ready for bed, they had snacks, and then I pulled out the book to read to Davis. The end of the book has a helpful explanation of how to talk to Jesus about your sin and receive the gift of Life. However, when we got to this part, Davis was not really interested so I stopped reading. I assumed that he just wasn't ready; the boys brushed their teeth, went to the bathroom and got in bed.

I scratched Ronin's back and sang him a song, then did the same for Davis. He stopped me and asked if he could pray. Davis began to pray, "Dear Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for me and that You're alive and coming back again so I can go to heaven...[right here I interrupted and asked Davis if he wanted to talk to Jesus about the bad things he's done and thought, he looked at me sincerely, said yes, then continued] I'm sorry for everything I've done that's bad. In Jesus Name, Amen."

According to the Bible, Davis just became a Christian. I looked at him and said, "Do you know what just happened?"
"You're God's son now. The Bible tells us if we believe that Jesus is God's Son, that he died for our sins, and rose again, that you will receive the gift of eternal life, that's what you just did."

He started bouncing up and down in his bed, so excited he could hardly contain it. We called Grandma and Grandpa, Mawmaw and Papa, and Daddy (because he was working the night shift) and Davis excitedly told them he was now God's son. After the phone calls, I asked Davis, "Did you think you had to do something?" He nodded his head, and I assured him that there's nothing he can do, in fact that is why what Jesus did is so amazing, we really can't do anything to become God's children.

He was stunned, he sat there looking at me in near disbelief that is was all Jesus' work the entire time he had been dealing with the weight of his sin.

I think we both had a hard time going to sleep that night because of just how excited we were.


  1. A phone call that will for ever be eched on my heart.

  2. Oh, Kristen, this is so fantastic (and I am SO looking forward to this day with my own boys!). How absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

    Also-whenever I think of you, I think of AM Kindergarten with Mrs. Horvei. I remember you telling her that you had been saved and baptized over the weekend and she asked you if you knew what that meant. So you explained it to her. And I thought you were the coolest girl ever. Yeah, you've made an impact. :)

  3. On this very same day I got to celebrate and rejoice with my youngest girl! With only 16 days left with them before I transition to another family, and three years poured into them, it was a glorious day.
